Wednesday, May 16, 2012


This week, my brother has been giving me a hard time about loving things that no one can afford. Actually, everyone that knows me gives me a hard time about my expensive taste. While I admit that I do have an eye for all things luxurious, albeit that I am usually eyeing something out of my price range unintentionally, I do believe that you pay for quality... at least most of the time. There are a few choice places I refuse to shop because I believe that I am overpaying for the poor quality they are providing. I have no problem splurging on something that I know for certain I will get my money's worth from. You know, the price-per-wear mentality. Maybe that is merely my justification for buying things I cannot afford. Oh well, I'm a girl and we all do it. 

Anyway, I told my brother that if he finds something out of the budget question, I can more than likely find something similar, if not better, for much less. This later inspired me to pick some great pieces that I love that are far out of my poor college student price range and find their long-lost, much-more-afforable twin sisters. Thus, my Splurge vs. Steal* game was born. Take some time and see if you can reeeeally tell the difference between the budget friend and budget foe. I want to hear your answers!!

*I am aware that some of my steals are still a little pricey... so let them become your new splurges ;) Should I do a new steal for my steals? Ha!

Bracelet: OneTwo
Wedge: OneTwo
Striped Sweater: OneTwo
Coral Shift: OneTwo
Gold Clutch: OneTwo
Necklace: OneTwo

If you are just NOT in the mood for my silly game, click here for answers! 
(Don't be lame... play! It's fun!)


  1. I missed on the sweater and the necklace...great picks, Mary!

  2. Well poop, all I got correct was the orange dress and the bracelet!
